Moamin AbuEwaida

Junior Software Developer


Telecommunication Engineer, Social Entrepreneur Tech community development guru.

Recently relocated in Belgium and joined Startup Factory-Brussels as project manager assistant helping the team in organising Startup Jobfair events and managing Brussels Pitch Night events.

Working with Gaza Sky Geeks/Mercy Coprs changed my career and expertise and the concept of being an employee. Everyday is a new story, new experience and self-learning. Started as a volunteer and become an officer/manager within less than one year is a big change in my profession.

My biggest weird life experience and learned a lot from it was being a social entrepreneur and taking care of +2000 refugees during summer 2014 Gaza war for more that 50 days and encouraging my friends to initiate a grassroots group to help and support the refugees who have no shelters or space.

- Startup Huddle Gaza chapter ambassador
- Code For Hope Hackathon Oct. 2018 organizer
- ِGeeXelerator Hackathon April 2018 -Angel Hack 2018 hackathons series- General Operation and Team Manager.
- Behance Portfolio Review Gaza 2017 "First Behance community activity in Palestine/Gaza" - October 2017, Main Organizer
- Digitizing Gaza Hackathon May 2017 -Angel Hack 2017 hackathons series- General Operation and Team Manager.
- Lady Problems Hackathon Gaza Dec 2016 -Angel Hack 2016 hackathons series- Steering Committee Team member-Logistics Manager.
- Angel Hackathon Gaza Hackathon May 2016 -Angel Hack 2016 hackathons series- Steering Committee Team member-Logistics manager
- Ouishare Palestine Steering Committee Team member- Gaza team leader and social media coordinator
- Startup Weekend Gaza 2014 and 2015 - Steering Committee Team Member - Logistics manager

Specialties: entrepreneurship, startups, logistics, operations, events, management, advertising, analysis, arabic, ccna, commercial, communication skills, computer skills, coordination, education, engineering, english, languages, microsoft office, planning, presentation skills, programming, project management, telecommunications, visual basic,


I grown up as a sport guy as I used to practice many sports such as football, backetball, handball and swimming.

Recently I started to like hiking specially when I reached to Belgium as during the covid-19 lockdown and less opportunity to travel around, I decided to visit as much city and open green areas in Belgium as I can, and hiking became a big part of my life and I discovered that I like mountains and nature challenges.

I myself is a social person as I like to be around people and get introduced to new cultures and people habbits, I discovered with this my love to travel so I can meet and see what is going around and live the different experiences